While you are running, try to pay attention to how you are breathing. Try to keep it a controlled, relaxed breathing when you are first getting started. If you are running with a partner, see if you can hold maybe about a full sentence’s worth of words. If you find that your breathing is a little labored and maybe you can only get out about two or three words, you should probably slow it down a little bit. It is what we call conversational pace. If you are able to hold a conversation, it is a good place to start. It is a good place to challenge yourself. But when you start to speed up and maybe do a little bit of the speed work, pick up the pace a little bit, that is when it is okay to have your breathing be a little bit labored. Let your body do what it wants to do while you are running. Do not try to control it too much. But also pay attention to how you are breathing, so that you know where you are and what pace you should be running, to have it be a more comfortable and enjoyable running experience.