A 92 year old cancer survivor is seeking to become the oldest woman to finish a marathon. Right here in San Diego, Harriet Thompson is from Charlotte North Carolina. Now, this you see here in purple this is video of her getting ready to compete last year at the marathon in San Diego. Now she is getting ready to rock and roll at Balboa Park. There right now they have tough competition Harriet right there too. It is amazing, all these people here 25,000 people and yet we are with the star of the show right now. Harriet Thomson at 92 years old, how do you do it?
“I am completely surprise and I have no idea why they are making over me but I am loving it,” said Harriet Thomson.
Yeah, you have had losses in your family to cancer I know that makes this event.
“Everyone in my family died of cancer. Right now, my son has cancer and I am praying and hope running for hoping that this will help,” said Harriet Thomson.
And you raise money more research what is that mean to you? Because of what you have done through on what you have lost?
“It means that I am so thankful that I can do a little bit to help, it means a lot that they all people here trying to get money for the reason,” said Harriet Thomson.
So for people who are thinking maybe they’re inspired by you and they want to get started, what would you suggest to them?
“I want to say, if I can do it, you can do it and start walking around the block that’s what I did,” said Harriet Thomson.
What will it mean to you to set the record, for the oldest woman to complete a marathon?
“Well, I think that would be fine I do not know whether it I can make a difference in my life I need to be a nice to be say,” said Harriet Thomson.
Well, you are making a lot of different in a lot of other people’s lives we appreciate you spending a few moments with us. Well, let’s get ready for the race. Thank you Harriet, amazing woman and we are going to let her go compete that Harriet Thomson. Live at Ballpark Jeff Lasky 10news.